Formulas based on gui zhi tang ebook


The formula gui zhi tang has three distinct aspects. One is the tonification of the bodies yang qi.  The second is the nourishing of the bodies yin qi. The last aspect is the tonification and nourishing of earth.

Gui zhi tang contains the formulas gui zhi gan cao tang and shao yao gan cao tang. Many Classic formulas can be defined according to these aspects and combinations.

In this course the concepts of yang qi, yin qi, and earth will be looked at very broadly and also more specific.



The formula gui zhi tang has three distinct aspects. One is the tonification of the bodies yang qi.  The second is the nourishing of the bodies yin qi. The last aspect is the tonification and nourishing of earth.

Gui zhi tang contains the formulas gui zhi gan cao tang and shao yao gan cao tang. Many Classic formulas can be defined according to these aspects and combinations.

In this course the concepts of yang qi, yin qi, and earth will be looked at very broadly and also more specific.

The formulas will be explained in terms of yang qi, yin qi, and earth. Each formula will be discussed with its associated line from the Shang Han Lun. The formula lines are the key signs and symptoms that lead us to treat the appropriate qi.

The classic herbal formula gui zhi tang is one of the most popular and represents the basic treatment strategies. The formula is built using five common herbs. Three of these herbs represent treatment principals.


Gui zhi represents tonifying yang qi.

Bai shao represents nourishing yin.

Zhi gan cao represents tonifying and nourishing yin earth.

In this ebook formulas based on gui zhi tang are described according to the different aspects of yang, yin, and earth.

This is a list of the formulas described.

Gui zhi gan cao tang

Shao yao gan cao tang

Chai hu jia long gu mu li tang

Da qing long tang

Fu ling gan cao tang

Fu ling ze xie tang

Ze xie tang

Gan cao fu zi tang

Gui ling wu wei gan cao tang

Gui zhi fu zi tang

Gui zhi gan cao long gu muli tang

Gui zhi qu shao yao jia shu qi long gu mu li jiu ni tang

Gui zhi qu shao jia ma huang fu zi xi xin tang

Gui zhi qu shao yao jia fu zi tang

Gui zhi qu shao yao tang

Gui zhi ren shen tang

Hou po qi wu tang

Huang lian tang

Da huang gan cao tang

Xiao ban xia tang

Ban xia gan jiang san

Ling gui cao zao tang

Ling gui zhu gan tang

Fu ling ze xie tang

Ma huang jia zhu tang

Ma huang tang

Tao he cheng qi tang

Tian xiong san

Xu ming tang

Zhi gan cao tang

Zhu pi da wan

Zhu ye tang

Ben tun tang

Huang qin jia ban xia sheng jiang tang

Huang qin tang

Shao yao gan cao fu zi tang

Si ni san

Si ni san plus xie bai

Wang bu liu xing san

Wu tou tang

Chai hu gui zhi tang

Dang gui si ni jia wu zhu yu sheng jiang tang

Dang gui si ni tang

Ge gen jia ban xia tang

Ge gen tang

Gua lou gui zhi tang

Gui zhi er ma huang yi tang

Gui zhi er yue bi yi tang

Gui zhi fu ling wan

Gui zhi jia da huang tang

Gui zhi jia fu zi tang

Gui zhi jia ge gen tang

Gui zhi jia gui tang

Gui zhi jia hou po xing zi tang

Gui zhi jia huang qi tang

Gui zhi jia long gu mu li tang

Gui zhi jia shao yao sheng jiang ge yi liang ren shen san liang xin jia tang

Gui zhi jia shao yao tang

Gui zhi ma huang ge ban tang

Gui zhi shao yao zhi mu tang

Gui zhi tang

Huang qi gui zhi wu wu tang

Jiao ai tang

Jiao jiang tang

Ma huang sheng ma tang

Wen jing tang

Wu tou gui zhi tang

Xiao jian zhong tang

Dang gui jian zhong tang

Huang qi jian zhong tang

Xiao qing long jia shi gao tang

Xiao qing long tang