Xiao ban xia tang

Xiao ban xia tang

ban xia 24 sheng jiang 24

This formula restores the pivot of earth. Earth must pivot for normal function. The separation of pure and impure depends on it. The organs associated with earth are the stomach and spleen. The stomach belongs to yang ming and it functions with the large and small intestine and is called the stomach domain. The mandate associated with yang ming is collecting and descending. The spleen belongs to tai yin and it raises clear qi up to the lungs and the 100 vessels.

Chapter 12 Line 28 Persons who suffer with vomiting are supposed to be thirsty; such thirst indicates that the condition is on the verge of resolution. An absence of thirst is caused by propping rheum below the heart. Xiao ban xia tang is indicated.

Vomiting with thirst indicates that the phlegm is being eliminated through vomiting. If there is no thirst then the condition is continuing.

Chapter 15 Line 20 For jaundice disease with unchanged urine color, a tendency to spontaneous diarrhea, and abdominal fullness with panting, heat-eliminating treatments are prohibited; this will result in retching. For retching, xiao ban xia tang is indicated.

If jaundice manifests with cold, there will be signs such as, unchanged urine color, a tendency to spontaneous diarrhea, and abdominal fullness with panting. The panting is due to a failure of the pivoting of the middle.

Chapter 17 Line 12 For all vomiting with an inability to keep food down, xiao ban xia tang is indicated.

This is due to failure of the pivoting of the middle.


The pivoting action of the middle consists of the yang ming descending and the tai yin ascending. Yang ming closes and this collecting action brings the yang qi to the interior. Tai yin opens to receive the yang qi. When warm the normal ascending of clear qi and descending of turbid qi occurs.

In other formulas sheng jiang supports the movement of yang on the surface. It does so by supporting the normal function of tai yin in sending clear qi up to the heart and 100 vessels.

This pivoting is important and many complex formulas use ban xia and sheng jiang.

Xiao chai hu tang

chai hu 24 huang qin 9 ban xia 12 sheng jiang 9 ren shen 9 da zao 9 zhi gan cao 9

Line 96 When in cold damage that has lasted for five or six days or wind strike, there is alternating aversion to cold and heat effusion, the person suffers from fullness in the chest and rib side, taciturnity with no desire for food and drink, heart vexation and frequent retching, or possibly there is vexation in the chest and no retching, or thirst or pain in the abdomen, or a hard glomus under the rib side, or palpitations below the heart with inhibited urination, or absence of thirst with mild generalized heat, or cough, then xiao chai hu tang governs.

Ban xia and sheng jiang restoring the pivoting of the middle. Ban xia is working with huang qin in descending. Sheng jiang is working with ren shen in ascending.

Ban xia hou po tang

ban xia 24 hou po 9 sheng jiang 15 fu ling 9 zi su ye 6

Chapter 22 Line 5 For women as if with a piece of fried meat stuck in the throat, ban xia hou po tang governs.

Zi su ye is used in modern formulas to warm the surface. By increasing the dose of zi su ye it could be effectively used for a tai yang pattern with tai yin congestion.

Da chai hu tang

chai hu 24 huang qin 9 ban xia 12 sheng jiang 15 da zao 9 bai shao 9 zhi shi 6 da huang 6

Line 165 When in cold damage there is heat effusion and sweating that brings no resolution, hard glomus below the heart, retching, vomiting, and diarrhea, then da chai hu tang governs.

In this formula the pivot of earth is really stuck, due to dryness. Bai shao descends, cools, and moistens yang ming. Da huang opens yang ming, and zhi shi pushes yang ming downward.

Chai hu jia mang xiao tang

chai hu 24 huang qin 9 ban xia 9 ren shen 9 sheng jiang 9 da zao 9 zhi gan cao 9 mang xiao 18

Line 104 Here in cold damage the disease has not resolved in thirteen days, and there is fullness in the chest and rib side, retching, late afternoon tidal heat effusion, and shortly afterward mild diarrhea. This was originally a chai hu tang pattern in which precipitation should not cause diarrhea, yet now there is diarrhea, so one knows that a pill medicine was used to precipitate, and this is not the appropriate treatment. Tidal heat effusion means repletion. It is appropriate to first take xiao chai hu tang in order to resolve the external aspect. Afterwards chai hu jia mang xiao tang governs.

late afternoon tidal heat effusion, tidal heat effusion means repletion. This indicates a yang ming bowel pattern, mang xiao cools and drains the excess heat.

It is appropriate to first take xiao chai hu tang in order to resolve the external aspect. Free the circulation of the ministerial fire so tai yang can open, then clear heat so yang ming can descend.

Chai hu jia long gu mu li tang

chai hu 24 huang qin 9 ban xia 12 ren shen 9 sheng jiang 9 gui zhi 9 fu ling 9 long gu 9 mu li 9

da huang 12 da zao 6 dai zhe shi 9

Line 107 When in cold damage that has lasted for eight or nine days, precipitation is used, and there is fullness in the chest, vexation and fright, inhibited urination, delirious speech, heaviness of the entire body, and inability to turn sides, chai hu jia long gu muli tang governs.

vexation and fright, indicates that heat is harassing the heart, gui zhi, long gu, mu li, and dai zhe shi are tonifying, cooling, and descending yang qi, while the da huang descends yang ming.

Ben tun tang

ge gen 15 sang bai pi 24 huang qin 6 ban xia 12 bai shao 6 chuan xiong 6 dang gui 6 sheng jiang 12 zhi gan cao 6

Chapter 8 Line 2 In running piglet qi surges upwards to strike the chest, with abdominal pain, and alternating hot and cold, ben tun tang governs.

Chai hu gui zhi tang

chai hu 24 huang qin 9 ban xia 12 ren shen 9 gui zhi 9 bai shao 9 sheng jiang 9 da zao 9

zhi gan cao 9

Line 146 When in cold damage that has lasted for six or seven days, there is heat effusion, mild aversion to cold, vexing pain of the limb joints, mild retching, popping bind below the heart, and the exterior pattern is still present chai hu gui zhi tang governs.

Ban xia and sheng jiang are restoring the pivot. Sheng jiang is supporting gui zhi in warming the surface.

Ban xia xie xin tang

ban xia 24 huang qin 9 huang lian 3 ren shen 9 gan jiang 9 da zao 9 zhi gan cao 9

Line 149 If there is fullness, hardness, and pain below the heart, this indicates chest bind, therefore da xian xiong tang governs. If there is fullness only, without pain, this indicates a glomus, and one should not give chai hu tang but ban xia xie xin tang is appropriate.

Gan cao xie xin tang

zhi gan cao 12 huang qin 9 huang lian 3 ban xia 12 ren shen 9 gan jiang 9 da zao 9

Line 158 When in cold damage or wind strike, the physician has used precipitation, the person will have diarrhea about ten times a day containing food that has not been transformed, with thunderous rumbling in the abdomen, fullness and a hard glomus below the heart, dry retching and a vexation that cannot be quieted.

When the physician sees a glomus below the heart, suggesting the illness has not finished, and again uses precipitation, as a result the glomus increases in severity, it is because heat bind is absent, only stomach vacuity is present with counter flow ascent of visiting qi, causing hardness therefore gan cao xie xin tang governs.

Sheng jiang xie xin tang also known as sheng jiang ban xia tang 

sheng jiang 12 ban xia 12  huang qin 9 huang lian 3 ren shen 9 gan jiang 3 da zao 9

zhi gan cao 9

Line 157 When in cold damage after sweating has issued and brought resolution of the exterior, the stomach is in disharmony, there is a hard glomus below the heart, dry belching with no desire of food, water qi under the rib side, thunderous rumbling in the abdomen, and diarrhea, sheng jiang xie xin tang governs.

Yue bi jia ban xia tang

ma huang 18 shi gao 24 sheng jiang 9 da zao 9 zhi gan cao 6 ban xia 9

Chapter 7 Line 13 Coughing with qi ascent indicates lung distention. The patient presents with panting, eyes bursting from their sockets, and floating large pulses yue bi jia ban xia tang is indicated.

Yue bi tang is being modified with ban xia to treat the pivot of earth.

Vomiting patients should normally be thirsty, for thirst is a sign that it is about to resolve, but now there adversely is no thirst, because there is poking rheum under the heart, and xiao ban xia tang governs.

Xuan fu dai zhe tang

xuan fu hua 9 dai zhe shi 3 ban xia 12 ren shen 6 sheng jiang 15 da zao 6 zhi gan cao 9

Line 161 If in cold damage sweating is promoted, if then vomiting is promoted, or if purged, after resolution, there will be hard glomus under the heart, and incessant hiccups, then xuan fu dai zhe tang governs.

She gan ma huang tang

she gan 9 ma huang 12 sheng jiang 12 wu wei zi 12 ban xia 12 xi xin 9 kuan dong hua 9 zi wan 9

da zao 3 (use jie geng for kuan dong hua)

Chapter 7 Line 6 Cough and adverse flow of qi, with the sound of a water bird in the throat, she gan ma huang tang governs.

Huang qin jia ban xia sheng jiang tang

huang qin 9 ban xia 12 bai shao 6  sheng jiang 3 da zao 9 zhi gan cao  6

Line 172 When in tai yang and shao yang combination disease there is spontaneous diarrhea, give huang qin tang, if there is retching, huang qin jia ban xia sheng jiang tang governs.

Hou po sheng jiang ban xia gan cao ren shen tang

hou po 24 sheng jiang 24 ban xia 24 zhi gan cao 6 ren shen 3

Line 66 When, after the promotion of sweating, there is abdominal distension and fullness, hou po sheng jiang ban xia gan cao ren shen tang governs.

Published by Paul Freedman

Herbal Nerd

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